Thursday, February 9, 2012

Surely You Can't Be Serious? Yes I am serious...

... and don't call me Shirley (Leslie Nielsen in Airplane).

Surely these dating site names can't be serious:

"LABLUBBER" - which, since she mentions having a labrador retriever for a pet, she may mean to say she is a "lab lover." But, she does say in her profile that she "has a few extra pounds."

"GEEZERGIRL" - I suppose it's nice to have someone out there attracted to us geezers.

"PSYCHOGIRL54" - I am really hoping she is a psychologist.

A couple male names contributed by an online connection:

"DCCOFFIN" -  must picture a "til death do us part" kind of relationship.

"MOLDY1" -  definitely must introduce him to the "HOTFUNGAL."

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